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無論一對一物理治療或團體運動治療,依據物理治療師法,初次預約時請您攜帶三個月內之「診斷書」、「醫師照會」、「醫囑單」。如果都未看診過,可以到我們的合作院所看診。 轉介合作醫療單位
  • 我們的服務 Our services
    We provide English service!


    “With consideration, honesty, and profession, we help you to regain your grand life”

  • 01
  • 一對一物理治療
    1-on-1 Physiotherapy

1. 初次治療 (評估+治療)


First visit

The therapists will do the evaluation comprehensively and proceed the movement or manual therapy in this session. We will also give the advises about following courses.

2. 中度治療/複雜治療


Intermediate / advanced treatment

Our services include:
Upper/lower back pain, sacral-iliac joint problem, sciatica, Frozen shoulder, rotator cuff tear, tennis elbow, De Quervain's disease, trigger finger

3. 顱薦椎深層筋膜放鬆


Cranial Sacral Therapy

Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance.

4. 骨盆底肌功能訓練


Pelvic floor training

Non-invasive physiotherapy to improve the pelvic floor dysfunctions like stress urinary incontinence(SUI), over active bladder (OAB), and frequency and urgency urinary. Treatment process may include pelvic floor biofeedback and motor control training and core muscle training.

5. 一對一/一對二 核心運動治療


1-on-1 / 1-on-2 core therapeutic exercise

We will evaluate the body condition first, then we decide the goal of training with you. Through private pilates practicing on mat or on Reformer, the training effect could be deeper and more comprehensive.

6. 居家治療


Home physiotherapy

If you are not convenient to go out, we can go to your house! Service area: Xindian distinct.

  • 02
  • 團體運動治療
    Group Therapeutic Exercise
若您有意參加我們的團體運動治療,必須先向我們預約一次個人初次治療,該次療程中我們會評估您目前的動作型態或疼痛狀況,給予您適合的團體課程建議,也會教導您目前團體課程中的基本概念及動作。 Before attending our group therapeutic exercise courses, one session of the First visit is needed.

1. 紓壓彼拉提斯/彼拉提斯入門

彼拉提斯,是一套強調核心穩定、調節呼吸、動作流暢的運動我們的紓壓彼拉提斯,更加入了許多四肢及軀幹的伸展適合肌肉容易緊繃、希望增加核心肌力的人練習透過 伸展 及 核心肌群訓練你會發現,心,也一起放緩了!

Relieving / entry-level Pilates

Pilates emphasize stabilized core muscle, smooth breathing and movement. We even plus some limbs and trunk stretching exercise. During practicing, you may find your mind relieves with your muscles, too!

2. 禪柔運動



The benefits of practicing Gyrokinesis include a healthier, more supple spine, increased range of motion, greater joint stability, improved agility and athletic performance and a deep internal strength.

3. 增肌強骨平衡班BARRE



Barre is a creative cardio workout for the whole body; improving condition and tone, posture, flexibility and balance.

4. 綜合肌力訓練


Comprehensive muscle strength training

We cooperate mat exercises and weight training equipment such as elastic bands and dumbbells, to achieve muscle strengthening and body sculpting.

  • 03
  • 12週復能運動治療
    12-week Frail Elderly Reablement Therapeutic Exercise


This 12-week program is a comprehensive package especially designed for frail elderly, including elderly physical fitness test, muscular-skeletal rehab exercises, strengthening and stretching exercises. An integrated plan could bring a more qualified life!

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